Thursday, November 28, 2024

Dixon of the Mounted Splash Page

I mentioned, in the November 24th post, having acquired a number of decades-old publications in digital format. The image below is a treat from one of those acquisitions. 

This is the opening page to the first of five stories in the July 1942 issue of Active Comics. It involves three Nazis being dropped off from a submarine near Nelson River with a mission to destroy a munitions factory and Dixon's relentless chase to prevent them. 

Dixon had front-and-center honours on the cover for this issue, shown below.  

Dixon was a regular feature for the first 20 issues or so. From what I've viewed so far, the art is inconsistent, but it does shine on occasion. I'll be sure to share those occasions as I make my way through the material.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

The Mounties At Work

I was recently able to purchase a collection of Zane Grey's King of the Royal Mounted comics from Etsy on the cheap, in cbr (Comic Book Reader, for the uninitiated) format. I'm working through those now and while sharing a 30-or-so-page story here would be awkward, I do plan on adding some of the added features for your viewing pleasure. 

The pages below are from issue number 207, published in 1940. The first image is the cover and I believe the bottom two are the final page and back cover respectively.

I've acquired copies of a number of other publications, some in comic book form and some in short stories, which I look forward to sharing.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

NWMP "state of the union" in April 1878.

The data below appeared in the April 5th, 1878, British Whig (Kingston). I thought it was interesting to get a glimpse at the force's coverage at the time.